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Speaking in Tongues and Divine Healing
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978-1-629-40746-3 Books (Digital Formats Available) $6.99

Speaking in Tongues and Divine Healing

Whatever happened to the sign-gifts used in the early days of the church—such as speaking in tongues and divine healing? Did they end centuries ago, or are they still going on today (as some are claiming)? This book will help you answer those questions Biblically.

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High Church Heresy
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978-1-629-40216-1 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $27.99

High Church Heresy

Exposing Resurgent Catholicism and Orthodoxy

A detailed examination of core Catholic and Orthodox beliefs from a conservative evangelical perspective.

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Matthew (New Testatment Exposition Commentary)
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978-1-642-13990-7 Books (Digital Formats Available) $39.99

Matthew (New Testatment Exposition Commentary)

There is no greater investment of one’s time and energy than to read and study God’s Word. The psal...

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Strong Church
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978-1-629-40112-6 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Strong Church

Building and Measuring Mature Disciples

Dedicated church leaders and teachers desire their church to thrive. The question is, how does a church become strong? John Greening gives the Biblical answer to that question and guides readers step-by-step through the process of helping disciples develop spiritual maturity. He offers tools for gauging disciplesÆ progress in becoming like Christ. By knowing the spiritual walk of individual believers more intimately, your church will be able to teach them the Word of God more effectively. Make your church strong—build disciples God's way!

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Dependence in the Wilderness
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978-1-607-76935-4 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Dependence in the Wilderness

Biblical Hope and Direction in Suffering

Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. (NASB)

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Gracefully Grounded
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978-1-642-13759-0 Books (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Gracefully Grounded

The Shattering That Sets Us Free

Human nature, along with social media and other cultural influences, urges people today to have the...

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Law and Grace
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978-1-594-02998-1 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Law and Grace

Explores a misunderstood theological subject from several perspectives.

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God Gives More Grace
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978-1-629-40955-9 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $18.99

God Gives More Grace

Walking With God Through Life's Trials

You get over one flood and another one hits.

Life is full of struggles, but God is full of grace.  How do believers grasp that grace?  And what about God's promise to give greater grace? This study of James 4:5-10 helps believers discover how to experience God's grace in its fullness.

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Salvation Is Forever
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978-1-594-02471-9 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Salvation Is Forever

In this frank, readable book, find out why a saved person can never become lost.

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Charismatic Confusion
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978-1-594-02420-7 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $6.99

Charismatic Confusion

Easy-to-read Biblical answers to your questions.

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Demons (2nd Edition)
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978-1-607-76848-7 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Demons (2nd Edition)

A Biblically Based Perspective

Second Edition. Learn the truth about the Devil and demons from Bible times to today.

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Biblical Slave Leadership
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978-1-607-76833-3 Books (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Biblical Slave Leadership

A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below

A stewardship from above to lead from below. (NKJV)

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The Pastor
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978-1-607-76584-4 Pastoral Helps (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

The Pastor

A Guide for God's Faithful Servant

REPRINTED IN LARGER FONT Jim Vogel, ed. Helps pastors learn skills to build strong churches.

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One in Hope & Doctrine
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978-1-607-76660-5 Baptist Interests (Digital Formats Available) $29.99

One in Hope & Doctrine

Origins of Baptist Fundamentalism 1870-1950

A narrative history on the formation of Regular and Conservative Baptists, BBFI, FBFI, WBF, SOTL, and the IFB movement.

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Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order
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978-1-607-76583-7 Baptist Interests (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order

What distinguishes Baptists from other groups and the Biblical bases for these beliefs. 264 pages.

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Don't Ever Give Up
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978-1-607-76365-9 Baptist Interests (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Don't Ever Give Up

Hunter lived his life as a modern Caleb who wholly followed the Lord. He never wavered from that call.

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