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Good News Beach Balls
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978-1-594-02309-5 Evangelism (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Good News Beach Balls

Dual purpose evangelism tool features 6 panels in the colors of the Wordless Book. Provides great opportunities to share the gospel!

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eBall Soccer (size 5)
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Evangelism (Digital Formats Available) $39.99

eBall Soccer (size 5)

Use the 5 colors of the Wordless Book to turn sports into fun evangelism and outreach opportunities. Pump included. Size 5 ball Ages 12 and up

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eCube Classic
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Evangelism (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

eCube Classic

One cube, 2 3/4 x 2 3/4" eCube is made for everyone! The seven-picture cube simply and clearly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ. Included instruction sheet (in NIV) is in both English and Spanish, but is available in KJV on the above sample tab.

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