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Strong Church
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978-1-629-40112-6 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Strong Church

Building and Measuring Mature Disciples

Dedicated church leaders and teachers desire their church to thrive. The question is, how does a church become strong? John Greening gives the Biblical answer to that question and guides readers step-by-step through the process of helping disciples develop spiritual maturity. He offers tools for gauging disciplesÆ progress in becoming like Christ. By knowing the spiritual walk of individual believers more intimately, your church will be able to teach them the Word of God more effectively. Make your church strong—build disciples God's way!

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Dependence in the Wilderness
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978-1-607-76935-4 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Dependence in the Wilderness

Biblical Hope and Direction in Suffering

Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. (NASB)

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Gracefully Grounded
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978-1-642-13759-0 Books (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Gracefully Grounded

The Shattering That Sets Us Free

Human nature, along with social media and other cultural influences, urges people today to have the...

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Demons (2nd Edition)
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978-1-607-76848-7 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Demons (2nd Edition)

A Biblically Based Perspective

Second Edition. Learn the truth about the Devil and demons from Bible times to today.

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Biblical Slave Leadership
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978-1-607-76833-3 Books (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Biblical Slave Leadership

A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below

A stewardship from above to lead from below. (NKJV)

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The Pastor
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978-1-607-76584-4 Pastoral Helps (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

The Pastor

A Guide for God's Faithful Servant

REPRINTED IN LARGER FONT Jim Vogel, ed. Helps pastors learn skills to build strong churches.

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The Doctrine and Administration of the Church <br>3rd Edition
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978-1-607-76849-4 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

The Doctrine and Administration of the Church
3rd Edition

An excellent resource for the theology and practice of Baptist polity Whether you're helping to plant a church, lead a church, or take part in church life, you'll benefit from Dr. Jackson's comprehensive instruction on the establishment and administration of a local church. He covers all phases of the local Baptist assemblyits organization, government, ministry, doctrine, outreach, and practical problems. Here is information and assistance to help your church carry on the Lord's work.La Doctrina y Administracin de la Iglesia tambin est disponible en espaol.

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La Doctrina y Administración de la Iglesia
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978-1-607-76937-8 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

La Doctrina y Administración de la Iglesia

Un recurso excelente para los fundamentos teolgicos en cuantoa la teologa, la prctica en la forma de gobierno de las iglesias bautistas. Sin importar si usted est ayudando a empezar una iglesia, dirigir una iglesia o tomar parte en la vida de una iglesia, usted se beneficiar de la instruccin extensa del Dr. Jackson sobre la organizacin y administracin de una iglesia local. l cubre todas las fases de la asamblea bautista localsu organizacin,gobierno, ministerio, doctrina, alcance y problemas prcticos. Aqu est la informacin y ayuda que necesita para realizar la obra del Seor.

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The Business Side of Ministry
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978-1-607-76493-9 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

The Business Side of Ministry

Offers church leaders and members a basic guide to finances, planning and budgeting, salaries, and more.

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Through Tears to Triumph
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978-0-872-27189-0 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Through Tears to Triumph

A first-person account for grievers and their friends.

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The Pleasures of Marriage
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978-1-629-40613-8 Family (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

The Pleasures of Marriage

An exposition of the Song of Solomon

Love, romance, sex, expectations, attitudes, arguments: God is not silent on these topics, especially as they relate to marriage. The Song of Solomon is intended to instruct. It is Gods revelation about marriage and romance. He intends, therefore, that His people study the book, comprehending its insights and applying His instructions.

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Did I Say the Right Thing?
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978-1-629-40612-1 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $6.99

Did I Say the Right Thing?

Responding Well to Those Who Grieve

The care of those who grieve and mourn should be a high-priority ministry in the church. When you dont know what to say, retreat is not the answer. Learn 10 guidelines for helping you respond well to those who grieve.

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