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When Home Hurts
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978-1-527-10722-9 Books (Digital Formats Available) $16.99

When Home Hurts

A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church

A pastoral guide to dealing wisely with domestic abuse in the local church. This book is intended ...

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Learning and Living God's Word <br>Revised Edition
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978-1-607-76830-2 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Learning and Living God's Word
Revised Edition

“Relying on someone else’s study is much like kissing through a pane of glass—you get the same general idea, but you miss the personal
excitement!” says Daniel Estes in this manual designed to help you “shatter the glass” by learning to study the Bible on your own and then live out its applications.

This manual is set up to tell you what you need to know and give you an opportunity to practice it. You’ll learn pitfalls to avoid and strategies to practice so you can accurately interpret and apply God’s Word.

You’ll find this manual enlightening and practical. You’ll also discover there’s nothing better than learning and living God’s Word!

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Meant to be Free
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979-8-889-73130-6 Christian Living (Digital Formats Available) $24.99

Meant to be Free

The Biblical Basis of Religious Liberty

Meant to Be Free is a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of religious liberty in America. It is an invaluable resource for Christians seeking to understand and defend their faith in a rapidly changing cultural landscape. Prepare to be informed, inspired, and equipped to stand up for the inherent rights granted by our Creator.

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High Church Heresy
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978-1-629-40216-1 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $27.99

High Church Heresy

Exposing Resurgent Catholicism and Orthodoxy

A detailed examination of core Catholic and Orthodox beliefs from a conservative evangelical perspective.

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Strong Church
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978-1-629-40112-6 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Strong Church

Building and Measuring Mature Disciples

Dedicated church leaders and teachers desire their church to thrive. The question is, how does a church become strong? John Greening gives the Biblical answer to that question and guides readers step-by-step through the process of helping disciples develop spiritual maturity. He offers tools for gauging disciplesÆ progress in becoming like Christ. By knowing the spiritual walk of individual believers more intimately, your church will be able to teach them the Word of God more effectively. Make your church strong—build disciples God's way!

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Dependence in the Wilderness
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978-1-607-76935-4 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Dependence in the Wilderness

Biblical Hope and Direction in Suffering

Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. (NASB)

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On Earth As It Is In Heaven
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978-0-801-07219-2 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Explains and applies the elements of the Lords Prayer so you can reach new levels of maturity in your prayer life.

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Protecting Your Church Against Sexual Predators
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978-0-825-42691-9 Church Safety (Digital Formats Available) $16.99

Protecting Your Church Against Sexual Predators

Legal FAQs for Church Leader

Protect children and your churchlearn how to stay prepared and on guard.

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Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy
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978-1-433-56148-1 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $15.99

Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy

Discovering the Grace of Lament

Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting God’s goodness. Lament is how...

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The Gentle Art of Discipling Women
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978-1-631-46382-2 Discipleship Tools (Digital Formats Available) $15.99

The Gentle Art of Discipling Women

The Gentle Art of Discipling Women provides a framework for discipleship from the mentoring voice of a seasoned discipler.

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The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries
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978-1-945-27005-5 Church Safety (Digital Formats Available) Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $29.99

The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches and Ministries

Helps churches develop detailed policies for protecting children.

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Salvation Is Forever
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978-1-594-02471-9 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Salvation Is Forever

In this frank, readable book, find out why a saved person can never become lost.

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Charismatic Confusion
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978-1-594-02420-7 Topical (Digital Formats Available) $6.99

Charismatic Confusion

Easy-to-read Biblical answers to your questions.

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Biblical Slave Leadership
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978-1-607-76661-2 Books (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

Biblical Slave Leadership

A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below

A stewardship from above to lead from below. (NKJV)

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The Pastor
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978-1-607-76584-4 Pastoral Helps (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

The Pastor

A Guide for God's Faithful Servant

REPRINTED IN LARGER FONT Jim Vogel, ed. Helps pastors learn skills to build strong churches.

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La Doctrina y Administración de la Iglesia
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978-1-607-76937-8 Church Administration (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

La Doctrina y Administración de la Iglesia

Un recurso excelente para los fundamentos teolgicos en cuantoa la teologa, la prctica en la forma de gobierno de las iglesias bautistas. Sin importar si usted est ayudando a empezar una iglesia, dirigir una iglesia o tomar parte en la vida de una iglesia, usted se beneficiar de la instruccin extensa del Dr. Jackson sobre la organizacin y administracin de una iglesia local. l cubre todas las fases de la asamblea bautista localsu organizacin,gobierno, ministerio, doctrina, alcance y problemas prcticos. Aqu est la informacin y ayuda que necesita para realizar la obra del Seor.

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