
Counseling Resources

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Passions of the Heart
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978-1-629-95402-8 Books (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

Passions of the Heart

Enticed by rage, sensuality, or pride, anyone can become caught up in previously unimaginable acts...

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Aging Well
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978-1-628-62141-9 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $5.99

Aging Well

Living Long, Finishing Strong

This book gives Biblical suggestions on how we can run the race and finish strong.

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Redeemed Sexuality
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978-0-830-82127-3 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $14.99

Redeemed Sexuality

12 Sessions for Healing and Transformation in Community

This small group curriculum helps sexually broken people find change through Christ.

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Love Your Spouse
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978-1-642-13061-4 Faith and Practice Bible Studies (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Love Your Spouse

Building a Strong Marriage Takes Sweat Equity

As with any building or remodeling job, constructing a sound marriage takes hard work and effort. You may have to demolish some shoddy construction before you can build the marriage right. At times you’ll feel like you’ve hit your thumb with a hammer and want to give up. Angry words will be spoken. You may wonder if the relationship can really work. Don’t quit! Christlike marriages can be built. The New Testament book of Ephesians shows how. So, roll up your sleeves; it’s time to get to work on learning how to love your spouse. Your marriage is worth the effort!

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Dependence in the Wilderness
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978-1-607-76935-4 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $17.99

Dependence in the Wilderness

Biblical Hope and Direction in Suffering

Written to lead you to greater faith in God as you experience the ordinary and arid journeys of life. (NASB)

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Addiction: A Family Affair
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978-1-607-76933-0 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $19.99

Addiction: A Family Affair

Lead an addicts loved ones to Biblical answers. Includes counselors guide, reproducible worksheets, and resource CD.

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More than Sobriety: <br>Resources for Biblical Substance Abuse Counseling
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978-1-607-76932-3 Counseling Resources (Digital Formats Available) $41.99

More than Sobriety:
Resources for Biblical Substance Abuse Counseling

Help those you counsel conquer addiction with Biblical answers. Includes assessment form and resource CD.

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Heaven Revealed
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978-0-802-44982-5 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $11.99

Heaven Revealed

Succinctly leads you through what the Bible has to say about Heaven.

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Through Tears to Triumph
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978-0-872-27189-0 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Through Tears to Triumph

A first-person account for grievers and their friends.

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Scriptures for Coping with Grief
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978-0-872-27996-4 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $1.49

Scriptures for Coping with Grief

Wally Stephenson, whose wife and daughter died in a car accident, helps prepare you to come alongside a grieving person with practical, compassionate assistance or to know what to expect when you are the grieving person. This booklet provides relevant Scripture verses and sound answers.

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What Grievers Can Expect
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978-0-872-27999-5 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $1.49

What Grievers Can Expect

Wally Stephenson, whose wife and daughter died in a car accident, helps prepare you to come alongside a grieving person with practical, compassionate assistance or to know what to expect when you are the grieving person. This booklet provides relevant Scripture verses and sound answers.

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Helping a Friend Who Is Grieving
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978-0-872-27998-8 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $1.49

Helping a Friend Who Is Grieving

Wally Stephenson, whose wife and daughter died in a car accident, helps prepare you to come alongside a grieving person with practical, compassionate assistance or to know what to expect when you are the grieving person. This booklet provides relevant Scripture verses and sound answers.

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Questions Children and Adults Ask about Death
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978-0-872-27991-9 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $1.49

Questions Children and Adults Ask about Death

Wally Stephenson, whose wife and daughter died in a car accident, helps prepare you to come alongside a grieving person with practical, compassionate assistance or to know what to expect when you are the grieving person. This booklet provides relevant Scripture verses and sound answers.

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Suicide: How God Sustained a Family
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978-0-872-27146-3 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

Suicide: How God Sustained a Family

Dealing with feelings of guilt and failure after the suicide of a loved one.

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Ministering to the Mourning (NIV/NASB)
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978-0-802-41241-6 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $12.99

Ministering to the Mourning (NIV/NASB)

Practical advice for church leaders to deal with grief in a variety of situations. (NIV, NASB)

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The Pleasures of Marriage
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978-1-629-40613-8 Family (Digital Formats Available) $10.99

The Pleasures of Marriage

An exposition of the Song of Solomon

Love, romance, sex, expectations, attitudes, arguments: God is not silent on these topics, especially as they relate to marriage. The Song of Solomon is intended to instruct. It is Gods revelation about marriage and romance. He intends, therefore, that His people study the book, comprehending its insights and applying His instructions.

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