
Adult Curriculum - Featured Courses

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Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible <br>Adult Leader's Guide
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978-1-629-40224-6 Teacher's Guide (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Adult Leader's Guide

Title: Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible Bible Passage: Various passages Course Description: This doctrinal study of the Bible addresses topics such as revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, and preservation. It also explains the Bible's story and purpose and helps the learner with understanding and interpreting the Bible correctly. Special emphasis is given to current attacks on the Bible and its authority. As a result of the course, the learner will develop a conviction that the Bible is true and will use God's Word with confidence. Uses a three-step lesson plan in a classroom setting Provides commentary and engages learners through interactive teaching methods Correlates with questions in the Adult Bible Study Book

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Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible<br>Resource Download
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Digital (Digital Formats Available) $21.25

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Resource Download

Features ready-to-use or customizable PowerPoint presentations for each lessonIncludes transparency...

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Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible <br>Adult Bible Study Book
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978-1-629-40227-7 Student Book (Digital Formats Available) $6.25

Bibliology: Building Conviction and Confidence in the Bible
Adult Bible Study Book

Factual, analytical, and thought-provoking inductive Bible study questions to get the learner into God's Word Three parts to each lesson: Getting Started, Searching the Scriptures, and Making It Personal Handy 6" x 9" size User-friendly format with adequate space for writing

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The True Story of the Old Testament <br> Adult Leader's Guide
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978-1-607-76836-4 Teacher's Guide (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

The True Story of the Old Testament
Adult Leader's Guide

Title: The True Story of the Old Testament: Responding to God's Revelation and Redemption Bible Passage: Various Scriptures Course Description: The True Story of the Old Testament presents a survey of the Old Testament with particular attention to God's revelation of Himself and His plan for redemption. The course will help learners understand God and relate to Him. Uses a three-step lesson plan in a classroom setting Provides commentary and engages learners through interactive teaching methods Correlates with questions in the Adult Bible Study Book Includes FREE promotional poster for your class The Spanish edition, La Verdadera Historia Del Antiguo Testamento Adultos Manual Del Lder, is also available.

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The True Story of the Old Testament<br>Resource Download
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Digital (Digital Formats Available) $21.25

The True Story of the Old Testament
Resource Download

Features ready-to-use or customizable PowerPoint presentations for each lessonIncludes transparency...

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The True Story of the Old Testament <br>Adult Bible Study Book
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978-1-607-76839-5 Student Book (Digital Formats Available) $6.25

The True Story of the Old Testament
Adult Bible Study Book

Factual, analytical, and thought-provoking inductive Bible study questions to get the learner into God's Word Three parts to each lesson: Getting Started, Searching the Scriptures, and Making It Personal Handy 6" x 9" size User-friendly format with adequate space for writing The Spanish edition, La Verdadera Historia Del Antiguo Testamento Adultos Manual Del Alumno, is also available.

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