Men at Work leads men to experience God's plan for work rather than merely enduring their time at work. This 8-lesson men's Bible study looks at the Biblical view of work and takes a look at how men like Daniel, Nehemiah, and others applied God's Word to their work.
8 Lessons
Author Bio
Jon Tice has held pastoral roles in Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana since 1986. Now a bi-vocational pastor, he works in the Kokomo, Ind., business community as the human resources director for two car dealerships. He holds degrees in Bible and history from Bob Jones University and in counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Stacey, have two children.
Dan Johnson (MA, Faith Baptist Theological Seminary) is the president of New Day Recovery in Zionsville, Ind., and pastor of Grace Bible Church, Avon, Ind. Dan formerly pastored Bible Baptist Church, Kokomo, Ind.