Title: God Created Us
Bible Truths: God Created the World; God Provided for Adam
Bible Passages: Genesis; Job; Psalms
Course Description: Two units will help twos and threes learn that God created the world and everything in it. The children will be encouraged to thank God for making the world—and them!
The 2s & 3s teacher kit is an essential part of the new Strong Kids® curriculum. It contains all the teaching resources and visuals you need as well as a sample of most of the other components of the 2s & 3s curriculum. (It does not include the doll board set or the music CD, which are one-time purchases.) This kit will be the main resource you use in effectively teaching young children to know and love the Lord. Also includes curriculum and resources for Jr. Church. 13 lessons. Order one kit for each class.
Kit Contents- Teacher Guide
- Jr. Church Teacher Guide
- Student Book*
- Set of Take-Home Cards*
- One Attendance Chart and Stickers*
- 10" x 13" teaching pictures
- Bible Story Figures
- Download code for online resources
- DVD of Bible stories
- Set of vinyl clings for dolls (order Doll Board Set separately)
* Order additional copies for classroom use.
Strong Curriculum® builds stronger churches through teaching all the Scripture to produce spiritually mature believers who measure up to the stature of Christ. Strong Kids for 2s & 3s teaches Biblical truth concerning God, God's Son, God's Word, and God's world. Students learn that God is their creator and that He loves and helps them. They begin to understand what sin is and that Jesus came to earth as a baby and then grew up and died for them.