Dorothy Davis has been involved in women's ministries since early adulthood and has been teaching Sunday School and ladies' Bible studies for many years. She has an ongoing ministry to women through teaching, speaking, and writing, motivating Christian women to apply God's Word to the everyday challenges of life so they may grow in grace and glorify Jesus Christ.

Called to Conquer
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978-1-594-02653-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Called to Conquer

Preparing for Spiritual Victory

This women's guide to spiritual victory will help you identify the enemies you face and the tools God has provided for the fight.

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Climbing Higher
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978-0-872-27212-5 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Climbing Higher

Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles

Overcome the obstacles that will keep you from becoming more like Christ: pride, discouragement, fear, bitterness, ingratitude, worldliness, idolatry, self-deceit, and more.

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Finding Fulfillment on Life's Uncertain Seas
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978-0-872-27206-4 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Finding Fulfillment on Life's Uncertain Seas

The Book of Ephesians

Ephesians shows how to find fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

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The Gifts of Christ
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978-1-629-40591-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

The Gifts of Christ

Life, love, peace, joythese are some of Christs gifts of grace. Discover the abundant life Jesus promised.

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God's Portrait of a Beautiful Woman
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978-0-872-27186-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

God's Portrait of a Beautiful Woman

God wants to fashion you into a beautiful woman for Him. Topics include thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, time, love, prayer, praise, and more.

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King Over All
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978-1-642-13130-7 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

King Over All

Daniel believed, acted upon, and lived out one important truth: God is in control. Trace Daniel’s experiences and learn howyou, too, can have victory in the circumstances,crises, and culture you experience every day.You, too, can demonstrate to the world that the glorious God is King over all.

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Reflecting His Glory
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978-1-607-76936-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Reflecting His Glory

As women of God, can we fulfill our life purpose of magnifying the Lord? We can!

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Seeking God's Great Riches
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978-1-594-02154-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Seeking God's Great Riches

The Book of Hebrews

This study shows believers what the Heavenly Father wants them to seek so they can live the rich life He intends.

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Seeking God's Great Riches <br>Hebrews eBible Studies <br>Download
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978-1-594-02469-6 Digital (Digital Formats Available) $49.99

Seeking God's Great Riches
Hebrews eBible Studies

This study in Hebrews leads the student to seek a life of grace, a life of faith, and God's greatest treasure-the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

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Think Inside the Book
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978-1-594-02349-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Think Inside the Book

The Bible is God's resource to us for successful living. See the difference the Bible can make in your life too!

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Thy Will Be Done
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978-1-629-40744-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Thy Will Be Done

When God's will and your desires collide, what do you do? Jonah tried to dodge God's will, while Habakkuk questioned it. This study of Jonah and Habakkuk provides insights into how God's people might respond to a plan they don't like. You'll learn what pitfalls to avoid and attitudes to choose when God's plans don't line up with yours.10 lessons

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With Our Eyes on Eternity
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978-1-594-02333-0 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

With Our Eyes on Eternity

Challenges women to live each day with an eternal viewpoint.

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Your Faith on Trial
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978-0-872-27197-5 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Your Faith on Trial

The Books of 1 and 2 Peter

These nine Bible studies from the books of 1 and 2 Peter help women examine their faith--first in salvation and then in the Christian life.

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