Mitch A. Schultz has served for nearly 30 years as a pastor with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He grew up in Indonesia, where his parents worked as missionaries. He has also lived and worked in England and four American states. He and his wife, Elaine, have three children and currently live in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in Georgia. Mitch and Elaine met at Toccoa Falls (Georgia) College, where Mitch received a bachelor of arts in cross- cultural ministries. He later received a master's in Biblical counseling from Trinity Seminary (Newburgh, Ind.). Mitch is the founder and director of Fruitful Vine Ministry, an organization helping discouraged pastors and ministry leaders discover spiritual health so they can effectively impact the world for Christ.

Did I Say the Right Thing?
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978-1-629-40612-1 Grief (Digital Formats Available) $6.99

Did I Say the Right Thing?

Responding Well to Those Who Grieve

The care of those who grieve and mourn should be a high-priority ministry in the church. When you dont know what to say, retreat is not the answer. Learn 10 guidelines for helping you respond well to those who grieve.

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