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978-1-642-13892-4 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $22.99


The Wonder of Christ in Mark

Embark on a transformative journey through the Gospel of Mark with Dorothy Davis's insightful study...

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The King Eternal
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978-1-642-13794-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

The King Eternal

Exploring the Nature of God

You probably wouldn't say you love someone you don't know. As you get to know his or her character traits and personality more, that love (and even respect) can grow exponentially. This new Bible study by Juanita Purcell will help you learn 10 attributes, or characteristics, of God and what they mean for believers. As you learn more about God's characteristics, you will discover that He is the king eternal, Who deserves total respect, love, and obedience. Let knowing Him better change you.

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Fearful and Wonderful
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978-1-642-13670-8 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Fearful and Wonderful

The God of Our Salvation

Whether you are riding high in the mountains, trudging through the muck of the valley, or simply wading through the mundane, God is still God. He still sees and hears you. He is unshaken and constant. He is a merciful judge. The power of His salvation can give you hope. So, enjoy this study of Habakkuk and place your hope in our God, Who is fearful and wonderful.

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978-1-642-13760-6 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99


Living for Christ in a Carnal Culture

God has called you to live for Him and like Him. Throw off dependence and enslavement to the flesh—...

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Shopping List
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978-1-642-13455-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Shopping List

Six Ingredients for Spiritual Growth

Consider six ingredients for spiritual growth to put on your “shopping list”: faith, trust, gratitude, submission, “clothes,” and victory over adversity. Master these Biblically, and you will find joy as you grow to be more like Christ.

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Against the Tide
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978-1-642-13456-8 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Against the Tide

Godly Living in a Godless World

God has a specific design for women, and He has provided special instructions, plans, and commands for godly living in the Church Age. This study will help you live godly in this godless world.

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Truth Adorned
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978-1-642-13682-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Truth Adorned

Pursuing Life's Deeper Purpose

The word adorn means “to enhance the appearance of, especially with beautiful objects.” Titus not only teaches that believers can adorn truth, it tells how! Fulfilling your purpose and mission, impacting the world with the gospel—that’s what this study of Titus will help you do.

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978-1-642-13677-7 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99


Influencing Your World Like Jesus

Learn how Jesus engaged His world. Chapters include “The Original Tie That Binds”; “Invest in People, Not Things”; “Friends, Romans, and Pharisees”; and “Don’t Play to the Crowds, plus two lessons on compassion and one on Jesus’ relationship with the Father. This study will help you evaluate your relationship with Christ. It will also encourage you to engage a wider variety of people to influence them for Christ!

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Facing Your Fears with Faith
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978-1-642-13129-1 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Facing Your Fears with Faith

God knew people would have all kinds of fears. That’s why “fear not” is one of the most frequently repeated commands in His Word. Faith is the opposite of fear. This study will show you how to use your faith to defeat your fears.

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King Over All
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978-1-642-13130-7 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

King Over All

Daniel believed, acted upon, and lived out one important truth: God is in control. Trace Daniel’s experiences and learn howyou, too, can have victory in the circumstances,crises, and culture you experience every day.You, too, can demonstrate to the world that the glorious God is King over all.

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978-1-629-40950-4 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99


Extraordinary Grace for Ordinary People

The book of Ruth is the account of an ordinary girl who moves to an ordinary place to live among ordinary people. But God is graciously working to do extraordinary things through her. Redeemed explores Ruth’s story as God brings her into His family, places her in the line of Christ, and paints a beautiful portrait of His big redemption plan—one where famine leads to faith and foreigners become family.

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Total Transformation
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978-1-629-40875-0 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Total Transformation

Following God's Design for Spiritual Renovation

Walk through the rooms of your soul, evaluating what needs to be repaired, built up, or remade. This study will guide you toward a total transformation of your spiritual life. Each lesson is designed with six sessions for you to complete during the week. Each session includes several “tools” that together will help you progress toward transformation through the power of God’s Word. 6 lessons.

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Thy Will Be Done
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978-1-629-40744-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Thy Will Be Done

When God's will and your desires collide, what do you do? Jonah tried to dodge God's will, while Habakkuk questioned it. This study of Jonah and Habakkuk provides insights into how God's people might respond to a plan they don't like. You'll learn what pitfalls to avoid and attitudes to choose when God's plans don't line up with yours.10 lessons

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Soul Rest
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978-1-629-40523-0 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Soul Rest

A Journey with Jesus

Jesus rested, promised rest, and instructed His followers to rest. Learn from Jesus’ journey through life how to have soul-deep rest. (NKJV)

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The Gifts of Christ
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978-1-629-40591-9 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

The Gifts of Christ

Life, love, peace, joythese are some of Christs gifts of grace. Discover the abundant life Jesus promised.

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Beyond the Ballot
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978-1-629-40305-2 Women's Bible Study (Digital Formats Available) $9.99

Beyond the Ballot

A Call to Pray for Your Nation

This study calls women to move beyond the ballot and pray for their nation.

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